About the project

Walk in Nicosia
Treasure hunt in Vienna

The EU Treasure Hunt project includes partner organizations from 6 European countries. Its purpose is to motivate and encourage the openness of European borders and increase opportunities for active participation in transnational mobility within the specific target group of young adults. It targets at vulnerable young adults mostly aged 15 to 25 years who are dropouts, come from minority ethnic groups, have learning disabilities, experiences with social exclusion and/or have been disadvantaged in some other way.
The working methods will be diverse and active, assuring the satisfaction of various needs of the learners and partner organizations involved, such as: workshops, learning-by-doing, small group discussions, field work, project research, photo material, audio-video presentation, etc.
The main aim of the project is mobilization and motivation of young adult dropouts to overcome their own educational or personal limitations in the field of transnational and multicultural cooperation. Young adults from different EU countries will in accordance with their interests, needs and abilities take an active role in the common multicultural planning, preparation, execution, promotion and evaluation of activities in the field of Cultural treasures.
For each of 4 Cultural treasure sub-themes (Arts and Crafts treasures; History treasures, Architecture treasures and Culinary treasures) a research plan for all further actions will be developed by the learners themselves. With the help of their mentors the young adults of each partner organisation will prepare all material needed for the presentations at the transnational meetings. In this way, they will take responsibilities, gain more self-confidence and acquire positive learning experience.

The main aim of the project is mobilization and motivation of young adult dropouts to overcome their own educational or personal limitations in the field of transnational and multicultural cooperation. Young adults from different EU countries will in accordance with their interests, needs and abilities take an active role in the common multicultural planning, preparation, execution, promotion and evaluation of activities in the field of